We are Taking Action to Resolve Environmental Problems and to Create a Healthy World for Humanity and All Living Things.
HJIFEP is dedicated to finding, promoting, and implementing solutions to environmental challenges. It has been sponsoring environmental conferences bringing together experts from around the world to address environmental threats, publishing the online environmental magazine The Earth & I, and running environmental outreach projects to raise awareness. In addition to these activities, HJIFEP plans to produce environmental education materials, develop and suggest policy proposals to national and international agencies, engage in practical projects to improve human living conditions by tackling environmental issues, and aid in the industrialization of effective scientific solutions to environmental problems.
Below is the list of activities we currently do or plan to do in the future.
The Opening Session of ICUS XXV in Seoul, Korea, February 2019
Environmental Conferences
The flagship conference series of HJIFEP is the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS). This series focuses on effective environmental solutions based on conventional science and technology. To discuss specific issues in depth, round table talks and small group meetings are assembled throughout the year to cover topics such as:
Regenerative Agriculture
Energy Resources
Air Pollution
Water Conservation
Waste Management
Climate Change
Urban Sustainability
Marine Environments
Deforestation & Desertification
Biodiversity Conservation
The Closing Session in ICSG I at the KINTEX Center, Korea, February 2020
The ICSG Series
HJIFEP also hosts the International Conference on Science and God (ICSG) series launched in 2020 to explore potential solutions to environmental problems based on frontier science that goes beyond conventional scientific thought.
HJIFEP sponsored climate expert Dr. Michael Glantz of the University of Colorado, Boulder, to speak before African leaders at the First Africa Summit in Dakar, Senegal, January 2018.
Policy Proposals
HJIFEP is providing environmental policy concerns to policy makers on an international scale through various associations. Some of these associations, organized by the Universal Peace Federation, are the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP), the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD), and the International Summit Council for Peace (ISCP).
HJIFEP representatives visit Senegal and collect water samples for testing, June 2019
Field Research
Field research is being conducted to develop technologies and methods best suited to resolve environmental problems while building relationships with local communities so they can make long-term use of those technologies.
A prototype for purifying water by using a number of different filtration technologies.
Developing Effective Solutions
When HJIFEP invents or identifies products that can solve environmental problems effectively, HJIFEP will facilitate their manufacture and distribution so they may be made available in severely impacted areas.
Poster Session at ICUS XXV in Seoul Korea, February 2019
Educational Programs
HJIFEP will develop level-appropriate environmental educational programs for schools and universities that teach effective practical methods for reducing environmental burden and examples of sustainable living.
Youth learn how to care for local birds by building bird houses in a HJIFEP-sponsored service project, August 2021
Environmental Outreach
HJIFEP will conduct and promote various campaigns for environmental awareness. To further spread the word, HJIFEP will work with media organizations such as The Washington Times, The Segye Times, and Sekai Nippo. Learn more about our Outreach activities here.
Some print publications by HJIFEP
Various Publications
HJIFEP publishes and distributes the conference proceedings of ICUS and ICSG, with PDF copies available on our website archive. HJIFEP also publishes The Earth & I (theearthandi.org), an online bi-monthly environmental periodical which provides educational and entertaining articles on today’s environmental issues and most practical solutions. Planned publications of HJIFEP include:
An encyclopedia of environmental sustainability
A who’s who of key people and organizations dealing with environmental challenges
A world map of environmental threats
Curricula for environmental education in schools and colleges