The Founders, 2010
The Reverend Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Reverend Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon began life together in Holy Marriage in 1960. As a couple, they based their life on the understanding that the family is the school of love and that all humanity is one extended family, with God as our common Parent. They wholeheartedly dedicated themselves to teaching and practicing the way of true love and working to create a peaceful world.
Faithful to their inner, divine call, they came to embody the philosophy of living for the sake of others, realizing their destiny as True Parents of humankind. They found that joyfully living for others defines God’s investment at the time of creation, and it is also the only way to resolving conflict and ending suffering in the world.
Working side by side for more than 50 years, they founded and developed a vast array of organizations devoted to establishing peace, including the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU), the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP), the Youth Federation for World Peace (YFWP), the Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA), and the Universal Peace Federation (UPF). They founded prominent media outlets such as The Washington Times, The Segye Times, and Sekai Nippo among many others around the world. In addition, they established international institutions that support education, industry, sports, the arts, and humanitarian projects. Guided by principles that transcend differences between races, religions, and cultures, these organizations have been working to realize a world of interdependence, mutual prosperity, and universally shared values.
The Founders meet President Gorbachev in Moscow, 1990
Especially during the Cold War Era, the Founders recognized the need to resolve three core arenas of disorder in the world: communism, religious conflict, and the breakdown of the family. Based on their first-hand experiences in war-torn Korea, they saw that the militant atheism and class warfare advocated by communist forces had led to unspeakable atrocities and suffering of millions around the world. In response, the Founders built ideological and educational institutions that challenged these forces and contributed significantly toward ending the Cold War.
WFWP Rally at the Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem, 2004
Likewise, they tackled head-on the dark history of conflicts between segments of the religious world. By their example and sacrifice, they pioneered an ever-expanding federation of top religious leaders working together in all parts of the world to foster a new era of religious harmony and communion among believers from all faiths.
Prof. Eugene Wigner (left) joins the Founders in welcoming Sir Charles Moses (right) at ICUS VII in Boston, 1978
At the same time, they recognized that science is a necessary component in the pursuit of human happiness and progress. In 1972, they founded the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS). Based on its comprehensive vision, ICUS has brought together scientists and scholars from diverse disciplines of the natural sciences, social sciences, and the humanities to work collaboratively from a holistic perspective, centering on absolute values—that is, values that benefit all people everywhere.
After the ascension of Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon in 2012, Rev. Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon faithfully maintained these original projects with quiet strength and resolve. Additionally, she introduced many new initiatives, such as the Hyo Jeong World Peace Foundation (HJWPF), the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP), the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD), the International Summit Council for Peace (ISCP), and the Hyo Jeong International Foundation for the Unity of the Sciences (HJIFUS), which in 2024, became the Hyo Jeong International Foundation for Environmental Peace (HJIFEP).
Founders’ Perspective
Among these organizations, HJIFEP was founded with the mission of solving the environmental problems of the world. The Founders have expressed that in order to truly solve environmental issues, human society needs to clearly understand that the whole universe is like one body in which human beings are inseparably connected to our Creator and all of creation. They see that God, through His desire to create object partners of love, created human beings as His children. The Founders believe God’s original intent was that humankind, by uniting in heart and mind with Him, would inherit true love and authority over the natural world as God Himself is the Creator of the entire universe. It is apparent to them that human beings have unfortunately deviated from God and have been living selfishly, misusing and mismanaging the world’s natural resources, and causing serious damage to the creation. The Founders have further noted that, behind the scenes, God has been guiding humanity to understand His heart through the world of nature, and that nature is seeking people who can govern it with God’s true love. They believe that once people rectify these relationships, they can end our conflicts and live joyfully with God as their Parent, with one another, and with the rest of creation.